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As Christian women, understanding and living in alignment with God’s will is important. Throughout history, Christianity has sometimes created a division between what’s seen as “sacred” (like church and prayer) and “secular” (like daily chores), leaving us to feel that God might be absent from the ordinary moments of life. Bridging this gap has long been a challenge for many of us.

When you ponder your life’s purpose, what springs to mind? Is it your career, your experiences, your family, or perhaps something deeper? Take a moment to reflect on this.

Now, let’s envision together. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel the earth beneath you. Picture yourself reading this guide, surrounded by the beauty of creation. Contemplate how your life’s purpose intertwines with your identity as a Christian.

Our sense of purpose is linked with our understanding of ourselves. Becoming more authentically human aligns with God’s design for us. Jesus, as the ultimate example of humanity, beckons us to live fully.

Actualizing your dream life begins with understanding your inner world. As within, so without—our external reality mirrors our internal state. Thus, initiating change in our lives begins with shifting our thoughts and emotions.

Emotions, thoughts, and mindset—they all play pivotal roles in our human experience. By infusing joy into our tasks and clarifying our desires through practices like vision boards and journaling, we can actively craft the life we yearn for as Christian women.

Remember, dear sister, you are the steward of your reality, entrusted by God to live in accordance with His will. Keep faith in yourself and in god, and you’ll manifest the life you desire, all while honouring Him along the way.

Sending golden vibes and virtual hugs,

Scherise 🤍

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