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Faith and action go hand in hand, like two sides of the same coin. The Bible teaches us this truth over and over again, emphasizing that our beliefs must lead to action if they’re to have any real meaning. As James 2:17 puts it, “Faith without works is dead.”

Think of it like a garden, faith is the seed, but action is the water and sunlight that make it grow. Matthew 5:16 tells us to let our good deeds shine so that others can see them and be inspired. And John 13:15 says we should follow Jesus’ example by doing good things for others.

In simpler terms, the Bible tells us that our faith should inspire us to do good deeds. It’s not enough to just believe the right things; we have to show our faith through our actions, making the world a better place for everyone.

So, when we talk about taking inspired action, we’re really talking about putting our faith into practice. It’s about living out our beliefs in our everyday lives, and showing love and kindness to those around us. And when we do that, we not only make a difference in the world but also bring glory to God, who is the source of all goodness and love.

Sending golden vibes and virtual hugs,

Scherise 🤍

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