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In the pursuit of growth and authenticity, I’ve come to a pivotal point in my journey. It’s a moment marked by both reflection and anticipation, as I embark on a new direction that resonates more deeply with who I am today. This transition isn’t just about making surface-level adjustments; it’s about realigning my purpose and […]


A New Chapter – Behind the Scenes

As Christian women, understanding and living in alignment with God’s will is important. Throughout history, Christianity has sometimes created a division between what’s seen as “sacred” (like church and prayer) and “secular” (like daily chores), leaving us to feel that God might be absent from the ordinary moments of life. Bridging this gap has long […]


Designing Your Life with Purpose

Setting goals often gets a bad rap in spiritual circles. Some say it shows a lack of trust in God’s plan. But is that really the case? While it’s true we shouldn’t rush ahead without God’s guidance, it’s also not right to sit idle, waiting for everything to fall into place magically. God gave us […]

Self Love

🧎🏽‍♀️Faith Fueled Goals

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about a different life? Perhaps you envision travelling the world, running your own business, or living in your dream home. These fantasies can consume our thoughts, but what if there’s a way to turn them into reality? In my view, God plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives. […]


🧎🏽‍♀️The Art of Energising Your Intentions

Faith and action go hand in hand, like two sides of the same coin. The Bible teaches us this truth over and over again, emphasizing that our beliefs must lead to action if they’re to have any real meaning. As James 2:17 puts it, “Faith without works is dead.” Think of it like a garden, […]


🧎🏽‍♀️Finding Your Flow

Life is like a roller coaster – filled with unexpected twists, turns, and the occasional loop-de-loop. Just as the sun rises and sets, hardships pop up like surprise party guests, uninvited but determined to make an entrance. In this blog post, I want to some insights that may help you when you are going through […]


🧎🏽‍♀️Navigating Life’s Challenges

As we journey through life, encountering people, situations, and experiences that bring pain and negativity, we hold the power to sever these ties and release the darkness. Just as Psalm 23 reminds us, even in the darkest valleys, we need not fear, for our shepherd guides and comforts us. His presence brings restoration and leads […]


🧎🏽‍♀️Releasing Negative Energy from Your Life

Getting closer to God is a desire that many of us share. It’s a journey filled with questions, uncertainties, and a yearning for something deeper. But where do we start? How do we navigate this path of spiritual connection? The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Each of us is unique, and so is our […]


🧎🏽‍♀️Getting Closer to God – 💌 [READ IF YOU FEEL LOST]

We’ve all felt the sting of betrayal, the pain of rejection, or the anguish of being wronged in one way or another. Some wounds run so deep that we wonder if forgiveness is even possible. Yet, despite the gravity of our hurts, the Bible insists that forgiveness is not only achievable but also essential for […]


🧎🏽‍♀️Forgiveness – 💌 [A Biblical Perspective]

Parenthood brings with it a tidal wave of responsibilities that often go unnoticed and unappreciated. The daily tasks of maintaining a household and caring for a child are taxing. Beyond the physical chores, there is a substantial mental load—the constant planning, organizing, and managing of household needs and schedules. Despite the love I have for […]


Navigating the Demands of Parenthood

As a sprtiual mentor, my journey has taught me valuable lessons about the impact of emotional, behavioral, and spiritual wounds that often go unnoticed within us. These unseen hurts have the power to unexpectedly affect not only our lives but also the lives of others around us. Today, we explore the significance of recognizing and […]


Hurting People, Hurt People

Okay, I need to get this out. There’s something I’ve wanted to talk about for a while now, and it’s been lingering in the depths of my mind. Every time the thought surfaces, I push it away, but today, I feel the need to put it out there. It’s about the complex emotions I’ve been […]


Navigating Parenthood – [Fear & Anxiety]


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